


A brokerage born of customer requests to meet customer needs
Built on the backs of owners who started behind the wheel.


Few companies have the elite distinction of being born into existence because their customer's demanded it.

But without that demand, Workhorse Freight wouldn't be here. 

The owners of Workhorse Freight– Ray Hamblin and Ross Eagar– originally started R&S Trucking Professionals in 2014.

 A local Arizona trucking outfit, R&S rapidly grew beyond what it had originally set out to do which was provide more than just local transportation of goods. They wanted to do so in a manner that was authentic, honest, hardworking, and ethical. Respectful of and responsible for their customer’s needs. And it was their steadfast commitment to those values that impassioned early customer’s into sharing their experience and spreading the word. It wasn’t long before R&S was being called upon to provide transportation for more journeys, longer hauls, and larger cargo. 

In 2017, with R&S Trucking Professionals working double-time to meet shipment needs and hearing the calls from loyal customers saying,

“We want to work with you even more,” R&S owners were faced with a decision. They could attempt to rapidly scale the R&S operation to meet the growing demand for their honest, hardworking, and ethical trucking services or they could apply those values to a strict vetting process that would broker freight transportation between trucking companies and customers who shared those same values.

In 2017, Workhorse Freight was born as a brokerage that answered the call from R&S customer’s saying, “We want to work with you even more.” Carrying over the values that had hooked the original R&S customers, Workhorse Freight continues to ensure that those values flow through every shipment they broker.


"Growing up, one of the things my dad taught me was to work hard at anything you do," says Workhorse Freight owner Ray Hamblin. As anyone who knows him will attest, this has become a mantra for Ray's life. Growing up in Eagar, Arizona Ray has worked hard at everything he's ever done– be that an Airforce base electrician, on mission for 2-years in Mexico, graduating college, finishing school for a career in federal law enforcement, and 3 years spent driving commercial transport vehicles. So when the opportunity to start R&S Trucking Professionals arose, Ray couldn't shy away from the challenge of starting a business to better serve the material handling industry. When not ensuring that his customers loads are being safely transported to their destination, Ray enjoys spending time with his wife and 4 kids, spending time outdoors, hunting, snowboarding, mountain biking and fast cars.


"I always knew I would be a business owner, running multiple business," recalls Workhorse Freight owner Ross Eagar. Ross, a former police officer and current reserve officer, attributes his time on mission in Brazil, following high school, as the place where he learned the value of communication and serving others. It's those values that Ross brings to his work through Workhorse Freight, ensuring that customer's feel informed and in control of their load while in transport. When not keeping the lines of communication open between drivers and customers, Ross spends time with his wife and 5 kids, spending time camping, hunting, fishing, and anything outdoors.