A Reputation of Excellence
Few companies have the elite distinction of being born into existence because their customer's demanded it. But that's the story of Workhorse Freight.
Honest. Ethical. Responsible. Hardworking. Words that get thrown around a lot. And yet, Workhorse Freight is here because every time a customer has given us a shot, we've put those words into action. And we believe that to be a difference-making experience. One that has set us apart and kept customers not only coming back but shifting more of their transport operations under the care of Workhorse Freight.
Who We Haul

Trucking is in Our DNA
Workhorse Freight is owned and operated by individuals who not only know the trucking industry, they've personally experienced it one mile at a time. Founded by truck drivers and operation directors, they are not just familiar with the lifeblood of the supply chain, they come from it. Uniquely equipped to deliver both goods and services that provide an uncommonly dependable approach to freight brokerage. Ensuring their customers receive their shipment on time, on budget, and in the condition they expect.

Partner with Integrity
Whether you're shipping across town or across the country, some things are constant. You want your shipment to arrive as expected– that means on-time, on budget, and in once piece. We want the same thing. That's why at Workhorse Freight we don't just view ourselves as a merchants of transportation, moving goods and getting paid, we believe ourselves to be an integral member of your operation. Your transportation partner, if you will. And as your partner, your success is our success. So we're committed to helping provide you with the highest quality transportation experience possible.

Every Step of the Journey
One of the things that Workhorse Freight champions is the value of clear, fluid, and frequent communication throughout the transport. That's why Workhorse Freight customizes each customer's experience to include a level of communication that meets their expectations. So whether you'd prefer knowing just when to expect arrival or frequent updates down to the mile marker, we can help with that. We want every customer to feel comfortable, knowing where their shipment is and when exactly they can expect delivery.